Forms for Students
Hardship Deferment Request
Used in requesting a hardship deferment of Federal Perkins or Kuhlman student loan. Please submit the Hardship Deferment Request form and supporting documents in person at the Bursar's Office, or by mail or fax. If you have questions about completing the Hardship Deferment Request, please contact Collections.
Hardship Deferment Request [pdf]
Hardship Deferment Request [doc]
Financial Petition
Students with extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness, divorce or loss of employment, etc.) may submit a financial petition. Each submission is reviewed on an individual basis and subject to approval. Submit the form linked below to petition for a refund or request reversal of outstanding charges. Fill out the Financial Petition form and attach the required supporting documentation to bolster your petition (e.g. a letter from department or instructor on letterhead, a letter from physician on letterhead, letter from employer on letterhead, etc.). It may take four to six weeks to review your petition for approval or denial.
Return of Financial Aid Funds Request
Used in requesting the return of financial aid funds (loans or TEACH Grant) by students or parents. Please note: If the return of funds creates a balance due, University policies regarding outstanding account balances will go into effect and the balance will be due at the time of the return. Therefore, please review the student’s financial aid package, student account and/or consult with either a Financial Aid Counselor in the Financial and Scholarship Office or Student Account Specialist in the Bursar’s Office.
Return of Financial Aid Funds Request [pdf]
Return of Financial Aid Funds Request [doc]
Short-Term Loan Application
Used to request a short-term loan for educational needs. For detailed instructions on completing the Short-Term Loan Application, see Short-Term Loans.
Short-Term Loan Application [pdf]
Short-Term Loan Application [doc]
Stop Payment Request
Used to request a stop payment on a check. Students who have not received their refund or financial aid check(s) within two weeks of issuance should complete this form to request a stop payment on the original check, and to initiate the issuance of a replacement check.
Form Instructions
Provide the following information on the form:
- Payee Name: Enter your name.
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID: Enter your 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID number
- Circle one option: Mail or Pick Up
- If you circled Mail: Enter your address
- If you circled Pick Up: Enter your phone number and email address
- Complete the declaration by filling in the approximate date that the check was lost or destroyed and the circumstances (i.e., lost in mail, never received, torn, destroyed, etc.).
- Below the statement "I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct,"enter the Month, Day and Year that the form is being signed, as well as the city where form is being signed.
- Signature (Under Declarant): Sign the document, affirming the accuracy of the information, and as verification that as the individual signing the document, you are the legal recipient of the check being replaced.
Additional Information
- Please submit the form either in person to the Bursar's Office, by mail or by fax. Our mailing address and fax number are listed below.
- Please be advised that it can take up to two weeks for the replacement check to be issued.
- If you are requesting a stop payment on more than one check, download this PDF [pdf], fill out for each additional check, then drop off at the Bursar's Office or attach and email to .
- Please remember that by submitting the Stop Payment Request Form, the original check issued to you is now void. Should the original check arrive in your mailbox after submitting this form, please either return the check to the Bursar's Office or destroy it accordingly.
- In order to avoid this lengthy and time consuming process with future lost or destroyed checks, we encourage you to enroll in eRefunds.
(Links: Stop Payment Request)